Shalakyatantra is one among the Astanga Ayurveda (Eight branches of ayurveda). It is deals with the health care of Head and diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Oral and Dentistry. We has outpatient department, inpatient beds, kriyakalpa unit and major operation theatre separately. We having all facility to do treatment for myopia, hypermetropia, cataract, diabetic retinopathy, earache, tinnitus, headache, dandruff, common cold, rhinitis, sinusitis, alopecia, etc. We are providing treatments like kriyakalpa i.e. akshitarpana, putapaka, seka, aschyotana, anjana, pindi, bidalaka, karnapoorana, karnadhupana, shirovasti, shiropichu, nasya and kavala, gandusha etc. We are conducting Ayurvedic Eye and ENT surgical procedures in our Shalakya Operation Theatre i.e. Ksharakarma (Application of alkalies), agnikarma (Cautarization), bhedana (Incision), chedana (Cutting and Removal), jaloukavacharana (Leech therapy) etc for treating nasarsha (Nasal polyp), anjana namika (Stye), lagana (Chalazion), arma (Pterygium), Adhimanda(Glaucoma) etc.

Faculty Details
SL.No Name of the staff Image Qualification Teacher’s code Designation Experience
1 Dr. Jeeva P Dr. Jeeva P BAMS,MD(Ayu) - Shalakyatantra AYSK00847 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR & HOD 3 years
2 Dr. Swathy S Dr. Swathy S BAMS,MS(Ayu) --- Assistant Professor 1 Month
Department Photos